About Us
This web site is dedicated to all Indians who are living in Japan and those who are planning to live/visit Japan. A one stop site to share useful information required to live a life in Japan.
We were thinking for many years to create a platform like NihonIndians.com to bring all Indians in Japan under one roof.
The objective behind this initiative is purely community focused to help fellow Indians!!
Using this site we can share useful information to help our Indian Community live a better life in Japan. The site also have sections for each Indian community in japan to post details about their events.
Feel free to contribute useful information/news/articles/event information in this website by sending an email to
The website is still in start up stage and more contents and function will be added as soon as possible.
Looking forward to all your support and contribution to grow this site as a one stop website for all Indians!!
Notes: The articles/contents are created based on personal experience in Japan and also collected from various other websites/mail groups. If you come across any incorrect information, please
contact and inform the same.
Team NihonIndians.COM